7 Reasons Your Roomba Vacuum Smelling? Best Solution

In a world where technology and ease go hand in hand, Roomba vacuums have become commonplace. It’s making our lives easier with their ability to clean themselves. These intelligent robots run around our homes and clean the floors without us having to do it. Yet, like any other device, they sometimes surprise us with a strange smell. 

In this article, we’ll look closer at Roomba vacuum smells, trying to figure out why they happen. We also look at what you can do to ensure your home stays a fresh place. So, if you’ve ever wondered why your trusty Roomba sometimes doesn’t smell as fresh as it should, stay with us. Because we explore the causes and remedies for this peculiar issue.

First of all, we will explore the reasons of your vacuum is bad-smelling.

Why is Your Roomba Vacuum Bad-Smelling? 

Why is My Roomba Vacuum Bad Smelling

Many things can cause your Roomba vacuum to smell bad. Here are a few usual causes and ways to fix them:

Dirty or Clogged Filters

Cause: Roomba vacuums have filters that catch small pieces of dust and dirt. Over time, these filters can become clogged with the particles they’re meant to capture. When wind is blocked, dust and other particles build up and cause bad odors.

But you can solve it, Look below:


To tackle dirt or clogged issues thoroughly:

  • First, Check the filter after every few times you use your Roomba to clean, especially if you use it often.
  • Second, Follow the instructions for your Roomba model to find out if the filter can be cleaned or if it needs to be changed.
  • Third, If it (filter) can be washed, gently tap to remove any loose dirt, and then wash it as directed. Be sure it’s dry throughout before putting it back in the machine.
  • If it (filter) can’t be cleaned, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get a new filter.

Dirty Brushes and Rollers

Cause: Roomba’s brushes and rollers are designed to pick up debris from floors. But they can accumulate hair, dust, and other particles, leading to unpleasant odors.


To comprehensively address the dirty brush and roller issue:

  • First, Check the brushes and rollers often for hair and other things that can get stuck. Use scissors or a brush to get rid of anything in the way.
  • Next, Take the brushes and rollers off the Roomba every so often and wash them if they can be washed. If they can’t be washed, follow the cleaning and care directions from the maker.
  • Lastly, Before returning the brushes and rollers to the Roomba, ensure they are fully dry.

Stale Air in the Dustbin Compartment

Over time, your Rambo robot vacuum’s trash can start to smell bad if it has a lot of old air in it. As the vacuum cleans, it fills the trash can with dust, dirt, pet hair, and other bits of waste. When the vacuum isn’t being used, especially for a long time, the particles get stuck in the trash section, where the air isn’t moving. Over time, these stuck particles can give off odors, making the room smell old and bad.


To mitigate the stale air problem in the Dustbin Compartment:

  • After using the Roomba, open the dustbin compartment to allow air circulation. This will help prevent the buildup of stale, potentially smelly air.
  • Use a trash cover or add something to get rid of the smell, like baking soda.
  • Ensure the dustbin compartment is clean and free of debris before storage.

Vacuuming Pet Hair and Messes

Cause: If not cleaned up promptly, Pet hair and messes can lead to persistent odors in the Roomba. Usually, pet hair and messes start to smell after a day or two, especially if they aren’t cleaned up right away.


To comprehensively manage pet-related odors:

  • When the Roomba (960) has picked up pet hair or messes, it needs to be cleaned well. Make sure to take extra care to remove any pet hair caught in the brushes and rollers.
  • Use vacuum tools or brushes to get rid of pet hair. These can be more effective at getting rid of pet-related dirt and smells.

Dirty Sensors

Cause: When dust and dirt build up on Roomba’s sensors, it can make it hard to move around and cause bad smells.


As part of regular upkeep, look below:

  • Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the sensors down to get rid of any dirt or dust. Ensure the sensors are clean to keep the vacuum’s tracking correct and its parts from wearing out too quickly.

Overheating or Mechanical Issues

Cause: Unusual odors indicate overheating or mechanical problems within the Roomba vacuum. Below are some mechanical issues;

  • Overheating Motor
  • Clogged Brush Rollers
  • Worn-out Components
  • Electrical Problems
  • Battery Issues

These mechanical problems can make odors indicate.


If you suspect a mechanical issue or overheating:

  • Pause the Roomba and allow it to cool down between cleaning cycles to prevent overheating.
  • If the smell doesn’t go away or if you hear strange noises or see problems, call Roomba customer service or talk to a trained expert for a full evaluation and fix.

Environmental Factors

Cause: The environment in which the robot Roomba is stored can impact its smell. Storing it in areas with strong odors, like a garage or basement, can lead to odor absorption.


When not in use

  • Store your Roomba in a clean, odor-free area of your home.
  • Consider placing it in a designated storage area to minimize exposure to external odors.

I’m sure that by handling these reasons in detail and using the solutions that go with them, you can get rid of bad smells from your Roomba vacuum and keep it running at its best. 

Next, we will know the most common questions and answers of Roomba Vacuum Smelling

FAQs on Roomba Vacuum Smelling

What should I do if my Roomba develops mold or mildew?

If you find mold or mildew in your Roomba, clean and dry the spots where it’s growing. Consider putting your Roomba somewhere dry to stop mold from growing.

Is it safe to use my Roomba around pets?

Yes, Roombas are safe to use around pets. But regular cleaning and upkeep are needed to keep pet smells and trash from building up.

How can I extend my Roomba’s battery life?

To extend your Roomba’s battery life, follow these short steps:

  • Regular Use
  • Charge Properly
  • Store at Optimal Temperature
  • Replace the battery when it no longer holds a charge effectively.
  • Clean Filters and Brushes
  • Optimize Navigation
  • If available, use the Eco mode to conserve battery during cleaning.

Doing these things lets you get the most out of your Roomba’s battery life and how well it works.

Video on Roomba Vacuum Smelling

Lastly, we are going to the conclusion.

Final Say

Roomba vacuums often have smells, but with the right care and maintenance, you can ensure your home smells clean and fresh. If you regularly follow the above tips and clean the Roomba’s parts like; 

You’ll be able to live in a nice area. And If you live in a nice area, it means you and your family are very healthy.

Remember that a clean Roomba is a happy Roomba, and a clean, happy Roomba means a clean, happy home!

Ethan Mitchell
Ethan Mitchell

Hello, I'm Ethan Mitchell. I studied Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Florida. I want to share with you the light of my learning and the beautiful benefits of research. When it comes to cleanliness, the home comes first, so I started my journey out of a personal interest in keeping a house clean.

Articles: 71

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