Your Shark vacuum cleaner is once a reliable workhorse in your cleaning arsenal. It always keeps your room sparkling. However, over time, your vacuum may begin to show signs of low suction power. This reduction in performance can be frustrating, leading to longer cleaning sessions and unsatisfactory results. But please don’t worry, because I will guide you in detail.
In this guide, I will tell you the reasons behind Suction loss. Also, I will provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to revitalize the performance of your Shark vacuum. At the end, I will provide you with some Tips to Prevent Future Suction Power Loss. So, let’s start!
First, you will know The significance of suction power.
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Importance of Suction Power of Your Shark Vacuum

Your vacuum must have a strong pulling power. It’s what makes it possible for your cleaner to pick up dust, dirt, and other things from your floors and furniture. When the suction is strong, a vacuum can reach deep into rugs and corners to clean them. It’s also better for people with allergies because it gets rid of tiny, invisible particles.
If your vacuum has good power, you won’t have to clean the same spot repeatedly, saving you time. Also, taking care of your vacuum’s suction will last longer and keep your home looking nice. So, remember that strong pulling power makes it easier to clean and healthy to live in your home.
Next, you will know – how much suction power you need.
How much suction power do you need?
The sucking power of a standard vacuum is usually between 100 and 250 airwatts (AW) or 40 to 75 cubic feet per minute (CFM). This is an excellent way to clean things like rugs and floors that you use every day. If you need more cleaning power, like for pet hair or a deep clean, look for a cleaner with more than 250 airwatts or 75 cubic feet per minute (CFM). Just remember that the power of a vacuum isn’t the only thing that affects how well it cleans. The brush and filters also play a role.
Then, I will tell you about some of the causes and symptoms of vacuum loss of suction power.
7 Common Reasons And Signs for Reduced Suction Power
A few things can cause your Shark vacuum cleaner to lose suction power. But when my vacuum was losing suction power, I noticed some symptoms like,
- Difficulty picking up debris
- Incompletely clear
- unusual noise
- Lose brush roll functionality
If you notice it like me, then you must understand that it is a problem with the vacuum cleaner’s suction power. So now let us tell you about some common causes of vacuum suction power decreasing.
Below are some Common reasons:
Reason 1: Clogged Pre-Motor Filters: Filters near the motor can get jammed with dust and other particles, which block airflow.
Reason 2: Dirty Post-Motor Filters: These filters catch pollen and small particles. A dirty filter can slow suction.
Reason 3: Blockages in the Hose and Nozzle: If debris gets stuck in the hose or nozzle, it can block the flow of air and weaken the pressure.
Reason 4: Brush Roll and Belt Problems: If the brush roll is twisted or the belt is worn out, motion and suction won’t work right.
Reason 5: Overfilled Dustbin: A too-full dustbin blocks airflow, lowering the pulling power.
Reason 6: Leaky or Torn Hose: If the vacuum’s hose leaks or is torn, it won’t be able to pull either.
Reason 7: Problems with the Motor and Fan Assembly: Mechanical problems with the motor and fan assembly can affect the overall pressure.
You know some of the symptoms and common problems of poor vacuum suction power from the information above. So, all you need to know is how to improve the suction power of your Shark vacuum cleaner.
Now, I will share with you 8 tips so that you can increase your vacuum’s suction power.
Improve Your Vacuum Cleaner’s Suction Power (8 Increasing Instructions)

Maintaining optimal suction power in your vacuum cleaner is essential for efficient cleaning.
Follow this comprehensive guide to ensure your vacuum operates at its best:
Step – 1: Cleaning or Replacing Pre-Motor Filters
Your vacuum’s pre-motor filters are the first defence against dirt and other things getting into the motor. First, Locate the filters as instructed in the user manual and remove them. Next, shake off loose dirt outdoors. Washable filters should be cleaned with light soap and let dry completely before putting them back in.
Step – 2: Cleaning or Replacing Post-Motor Filters
Post-motor filters are an important part of keeping the air clean. Take out these filters, and tap or brush off any loose dirt. Follow special instructions from the manufacturer on how to clean or replace them. Follow the plan for replacing parts to get the best performance.
Step – 3: Clearing Blockages from the Hose and Nozzle
Blockages within the hose or nozzle can significantly diminish suction power. Disconnect the hose and nozzle, and remove any obstructions using a straightened coat hanger, long brush, or compressed air. After clearing blockages, securely reattach the hose.
Step – 4: Checking the Brush Roll and Belt
A tangled brush roll or a worn belt can impair suction power performance. First, read the user manual to access the brush roll and belt. Then, remove tangled debris from the brush roll. Finally, check the belt for signs of wear and replace it if necessary.
Step – 5: Emptying the Dustbin Regularly
Suction power can be less effective if the trash can is full. So, before each use, check how full the dustbin is. Stop the vacuum and put the dustbin into a trash bag when it’s about two-thirds full. Clean the trash can by wiping it down.
Step – 6: Examining the Hose for Leaks or Tears
Air leaks from a damaged hose can greatly reduce suction power. While your vacuum is fully running, carefully feel along the hose’s length to detect any air leaks. Consider repairing or replacing the hose to restore good suction if leaks are present.
Step – 7: Inspecting the Motor and Fan Assembly
A faulty motor or fan assembly can greatly affect suction. Therefore, be very careful when accessing this motor area. If you find visible damage or debris, arrange for it to be replaced. But if you don’t know how to fix it or are unsure, consult a professional to avoid possible damage.
Step – 8: Maintaining the Vacuum’s Overall Condition
With regular upkeep, your cleaner will keep working well for a long time. Follow the repair plan given by the maker in the user manual. When you’re not using the vacuum, please keep it in a clean, dry place. Don’t use anything that could damage the vacuum.
Following these steps and guidelines, you can improve your vacuum cleaner’s suction power and keep it running at its best. Always check the guidebook to find out how to use your cleaner model specifically.
After that, you will know 9 tips for preventoing future suction power loss.
9 Tips to Prevent Future Suction Power Loss
Here are some simple and easy things you can do to keep your Shark vacuum cleaner from losing pulling power:
- Clean or change the filters as often as the instructions say to.
- Look for knots and hair on the brush roll. If you keep it clean.
- After using the trash, empty it. When a bin is full, it can make it harder for the hoover to work.
- Put your hoover somewhere dry. Dust can get into the parts, making it harder for the hoover to work.
- Check if the hose and tip are clogged. Remove any dirt or dust to get a strong pressure.
- Look for fractures in the pipe. Suction power can be lessened if a hose is broken.
- Don’t use big things that can get stuck in the hoover. Also, watch out when you’re around furniture.
- Switch between rugs and hard floors to change the floor. It keeps certain parts from wearing out.
- Make it a habit to check filters and parts. Clean it as needed to make it work better.
By doing these simple things, you can keep your Shark vacuum cleaner in good shape and clean it well.
Next, you will know some common questions and answers.
FAQs On Improving the Suction Power Of Shark Vacuum
Can I wash the filters, and how should I dry them?
Yes, some Shark vacuum bags can be washed. Check the instructions to be sure. Use cold water and light soap to rinse them gently. Before putting them back, let them dry completely in the air for at least 24 hours.
How can I use my Shark vacuum reset button?
Most of the time, the stop button on your Shark vacuum protects the motor. If the vacuum gets too hot, it might turn itself off. Once it has cooled down, you can press the reset button to turn it back on.
When my Shark vacuum isn’t sucking, can I use the reset button?
Yes, if your cleaner stops sucking suddenly, you can try the reset button. Minor problems can sometimes be fixed with a simple restart. But if the problem with suction keeps happening, you may need to check for clogs or other upkeep needs.
video On How to Improve Suction Power
Finally, we are going to the Conclusion.
Final Message
A Shark vacuum cleaner with the best pulling power is an excellent tool. It’s keeping your home clean and healthy. By carefully following the steps and doing regular maintenance, you can ensure that your vacuum Shark suction works well. I hope you learned a lot from today’s post; thanks for staying with us.

Hello, I’m Ethan Mitchell. I studied Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Florida. I want to share with you the light of my learning and the beautiful benefits of research. When it comes to cleanliness, the home comes first, so I started my journey out of a personal interest in keeping a house clean.